Update Log ↴
- Changed the background and about me is now more accurate.
- fixed the counter
- added counter
- added youtube channel button (actually links to channel)
- don't open glytch.neocities.org/test
- removed beta glytch (no more updates still there though)
- got me a button (tba)
- 2,000 veiws
- added beta version of glytch
- made a seperater for buttons between the top and bottom(menu buttons)
- fixed logos,(thanks for telling me)
- added the "comment wall" (work in progress)
- made the title on all websites larger
- made buttons semi centered
- added the matrix background
- fixed the 404 error screen
- all buttons finally work
- made it to where you can actually visit about me :)
- 1,000 veiws already
- added a favicon (finally)
- added the update log
- added the "glytch" title png
- created logo
- creation of the youtube button (no channel yet)
- creation of the about button